
a third ear to a silenced body

d.e.a.f. initially started as a solo project where zeezout combined poetry, visuals and sounds to give the silenced body a voice. 

The concept grew out of a state of constricted consciousness, an empty vessel in which the (h)earing awareness is re- awaken. 

Together with Ruud Roelofsen, d.e.a.f. has taken another dimension by including in its core a live performance of on intimacy IIa. This specific version on intimacy IIa is written for piccolo and electronics in close collaboration between both artists. In its original form “on intimacy II” is an open score based on a deconstructed text; the deconstruction is such that the sounds do not register as speech and have lost their meaning.

On intimacy IIa is preceded by a mixed media installation in which the field’s exterior soundscape is presented and followed by a contrasting interior based sound and image surroundings.

As a result, the audience will be immersed in a three-act structure of extreme framed frequencies triggering throughout the journey the unaware hearing.

Therefore, d.e.a.f. aims for reactivating, retuning, rehearing, rebreathing, rethinking and re- experiencing the surrounding sonic stimulus. Starting from a non-essentialist perspective in which the thought of sound-in-itself is literally unthinkable in order to make ones own mental picture more complete.

Hence, interpretation has an open path against the sound’s self- confidence—the confidence in the constitution of the sonic self – this proposes a re-inscription of boundaries, a re-imagination of ontology: a conceptual turn toward a non-cochlear sonic art.

The performance will attempt to reduce the resistance created against the surroundings by redirecting the attention from the closest ones and open its appreciations into the untenable space.

delve into Ruud Roelofsens' world


delve into canti illuminati's world

canti illuminati website

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locations & dates

Barcelona 18.02.2023 | Brussels 16.02.2023 | Wrocław 21.10.2023 | Tilburg 24.10.2023 | Brugge 02.06.2024 | Olot (artistic residency) 3-9.06.2024


October 21, 2023